Statistics: Traffic Accident Casualties in Berlin 1995 – 2014

The Berlin office for statistics Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg have recently released numbers about traffic accidents in Berlin. The good news is: the overall trend seems to be that numbers are declining.

statistic of fatal traffic accidents: casualties in berlin

graph of fatal traffic accidents in Berlin: casualties between 1995 – 2014 // data CC BY Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg // graph by

While in 1995 over 140 people died in traffic accidents in Berlin, about 20 years later that number is down to ‘only’ 52 casualties. The bad news: that is still one person killed in Berlin traffic each week!

year number of casualties
1995 143
1996 120
1997 87
1998 85
1999 103
2000 89
2001 65
2002 82
2003 77
2004 70
2005 67
2006 74
2007 56
2008 55
2009 48
2010 44
2011 54
2012 42
2013 37
2014 52

So if you happen to be out in the streets of Berlin, whether walking, by bike or by car – please be careful. Even though Berlin seems to be such a relaxed and nice city, there is still also ‘sh;t happening’.

see also:

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