Schoenhauser Allee U-Bahn

View from the intersection of Veteranenstrasse and Fehrbelliner Strasse across Weinbergspark towards Mitte – or towards the television tower.
The Pappelplatz in Mitte may not be a special or particularly beautiful place at first glance. But if you take a closer look, you can become quite fond of the square. There is an important tram stop here – and a small skate park. And the statue on the fountain in the middle of the […]
The water pump at Arkonaplatz – an almost historical meeting place. On Fridays, a very popular weekly market takes place here, where you can find fruit and vegetables, fish and meat and a wide selection of food stalls, food trucks and other eating places. Falaffel, freshly grilled fish, sausages and perhaps a glass of wine. […]
View from the crossing Veteranenstraße / Fehrbelliner Straße on a clear spring evening – the TV Tower is reduced to a silhouette. In the foreground you can see the cables of street car line number 12. The trees and bushes are part of the Weinberspark – or bordering the Weinbergspark.