Berliner Hörspielfestival 2024

Thursday, 12. — Sunday, 15. September 2024
Berliner Hörspielfestival 2022

“Since its foundation in 2008, the Berlin Radio Play Festival (BHF) has seen itself as a platform for the independent scene. The personal exchange between radio play makers and their audience was and is one of the basic ideas of the festival. Another basic idea is to define the term free radio play as broadly as possible. Free radio plays in the sense of the BHF are pieces that represent the entire spectrum of the acoustic arts, from narrative genre pieces to experimental test arrangements, from documentary original sound radio plays to audio poems, from sound experiments to radio plays by and for children. The free radio play does not have to adhere to any conventions and does not have to consider any editorial or aesthetic guidelines. It does not have to serve the well-tempered actor’s tone, nor the excited sound from the dubbing studios. Even silence is allowed….” (Text 2022, translated with

Akademie der Künste
Hanseatenweg 10
10557 Berlin-Tiergarten
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