Photo Exhibition: International Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC)

The International Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC) is probably one of the most important post-war buildings of West-Berlin. The building is a gem of architecture of the seventies, a design icon of international importance.

Currently the ICC is closed for renovation. But luckily enough the Berlin parliament decided for its renovation not for its demolition. In the past coulpe of years there had been quite a discussion – and some politicians probably would have wanted the ICC torn down and replaced.

Since it is currently not possible to visit the ICC, I would recommend you visit the photo exhibition instead, that is on display at “Lichthof der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt” (Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin). You may get an impression of the scale and importance of this particular piece of Berlin architecture.

Photo Exhibition International Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC)

Photos by Claus Rottenbacher (see also:
31 July – 24. August 2015
Lichthof der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt,
Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin
Free admission

Berlin ICC: Saal 6 © Claus Rottenbacher

ICC Berlin: Saal 6 © Claus Rottenbacher

Design-Details Kiosk inside ICC © Claus Rottenbacher

ICC: Kiosk © Claus Rottenbacher

Further details in German:

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