Organizing Things

Thursday 19. May 2022 — Monday 2. January 2023
Berlin Exhibition: Organizing Things

File cards, binders, folders, shelfs, palettes – with the exhibition ORGANIZING THINGS variously used ordering aids will create a space for own reflection and a setting for a multidimensional discourse of specialists on the organizing of knowledge and day-to-day life. In daily life we hope that systems and structures, organizational aids, forces of order, will help us stop the constant expansion of chaos, put things in order and keep them that way. Every aid dictates a certain order: boxes, drawers and cabinets, rules, indexes and coordinates, alphabetical or numerical labels and tabs. Taking a closer look at these organizing devices makes the omnipresence of the organizational tasks clear and can help us detect unconscious assumptions and blind spots, especially in museum work. …”

Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge
Leipziger Straße 54
D-10117 Berlin
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