The Porcelain Code – One Million by Uli Aigner

Thursday 6. October 2022 — Sunday 28. May 2023
The Porcelain Code - One Million by Uli Aigner, Neues Museum, Berlin

With her One Million project, Uli Aigner is taking globalisation personally. Her endeavour to produce 1,000,000 pieces of pottery with her own hands by the end of her life began in 2014. She inscribes each piece with a number indicating the exact order of its production, thus identifying the porcelain vessels as signed, unique works. Photographs of each numbered vessel, as well as the Google Maps coordinates of its location, are presented at – a transnational and transcultural art project. …”

Neues Museum
James-Simon-Galerie, Bodestraße
10178 Berlin

More exhibitions: September 2024 | October 2024 | November 2024