George Grosz. A Piece Of My World In A World Without Peace
Die Collagen

Thursday 11. January 2024 — Monday 3. June 2024
George Grosz Collagen. A Piece Of My World In A World Without Peace

Collage runs like a common thread through George Grosz’s artistic oeuvre. The current special exhibition focuses on previously lesser-known collages by George Grosz and spans a wide range – from Dada to Pop Art. The early photomontages with graphic elements are evidence of the artist’s artistic and political cooperation with John Heartfield and Wieland Herzfelde’s Malik publishing house. They still impress today as original, humorously playful and at the same time satirically accurate commentaries on “life and hustle and bustle” in the rapidly growing metropolis of Berlin. …” (translated with the free version of

Das kleine Grosz Museum
Bülowstraße 18
10783 Berlin
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