Category Archives: Weather

Zionskirche against Blue Sky in March

Berlin Public Holidays - Zionskirche in Berlin MItte

Bell Tower of Zionskirche - Photo:T.Bortels/

Another photo of the church Zionskirche in Berlin Mitte near Prenzlauer Berg / Kastanienallee. In March the weather is finally a bit more friendly again – blue skies can be enjoyed over a period of a couple of days and the temperatures are currently between 2°C (~35°F) by night and 10°C (~50°F) by day. Spring […]

Berlin TV Tower and friends

Berlin TV Tower, Sneakers, Street Lamp

Berlin TV Tower, Sneakers, Street Lamp - Photo: T.Bortels/

The Berlin TV Tower on an almost sunny day – in the foreground a typical East Berlin street lamp and a pair of sneakers hanging from a wire that holds the power cables of the Tram line 12 near Zionskirchplatz.

Berlin Weather in July: a bit like April in Autumn

Berlin Summer Sunset July 2016

Some sunset in July - Photo: T.Bortels/

So far Berlin Summer has been a bit like the stock market: up and down. Yes, we had a couple of nice, sunny, warm days – but we definitely also had some cold, windy and quite rainy days. Even if it’s warm and sunny during the day, that doesn’t mean too much for the evening […]

Berlin Weather in January: cold, wet, windy – and sunny

In January we had again something of everything: some wind, some rain, some snow – and some sunlight. The temperature went down to something like -12°C and up to around +12°C – not too bad, but also not really nice. Overall I would say: the Berlin Weather in January was “ok” so far. On the […]

Berlin Weather in November: something of everything

Yes, we also had some serious November rain – but also sunshine, blue skies, stormy weather – and the first snow. There was basically something of everything. If you look at the average temperature for Germany, this November was the warmest for the past 130 years – even though temperatures dropped in the second half […]

Berlin Weather in October: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Berlin autumn weather can be difficult, to say the least. For a couple of days the sun might shine, blue skies, no cloud anywhere. And then again it’s like this: the Berlin cloud stays for days and days and the it rains and it’s windy and cold. The beginning of October actually had some nice […]

Berlin Weather in September: the driest, the warmest, the sunniest

Berlin Weather in September was kind of nice, but not too nice. The official statistics point out, that in all of Germany the weather conditions were a bit ‘below’ normal weather conditions: a bit colder and a bit less rain compare to previous year. Statistically Berlin had in fact a ‘record’ September – at least […]

Berlin Weather: August-Autumn vs September-Summer

Currently Berlin Weather seems to behave a bit weird: it’s still August, but the temperatures are hardly climbing above the 20°C mark (which would be 68°F). And the trees actually seems to loose their leaves already. So is this still summer? Or is it already Autumn? Autumn in August? Please not. It’s not really cold […]