Berlin Corona Update

On this page I’ll try to keep track on the current Corona situation in Berlin.

26. May 2020

  • As of today there are 356 reported active cases of Covid19 infections in Berlin.
  • Cafés and restaurants have just re-opened – but there are some restrictions in place. As of today restaurants and cafés have to close at 10 pm.
  • Bars and clubs are still closed – but bars might be allowed to open after 20 June..
  • From 6. June on sport studios, dance studios and dance schools will be allowed to open again. Of course there will be restrictions in place.
  • Good news: the R-Factor is back below zero, after is was around 1.2 for a couple of days which lead to one of three warning indicator turning to code red. Now that ‘light’ is green again.
  • Also from 6. June there is virtually no limit to how many people are allowed to gather outside. For indoor gatherings there will be a maximum number of 200 people allowed.
  • Private, cultural and commercial outdoor events will have a limit of 200 guests from 6 June on. From 20 June that number will go up to 500 and 1000 from 4 July on.
  • Private, cultural and commercial indoor events will have a limit of 100 attendants from 6 June on. From 20 June that number will go up to 200 – and then to 500 from 4 July on.
  • Shops are open – regardless of the total floor area. There are however restriction on the number of customers allowed inside a shop.
  • Starting on 25 May 2020, hotels, vacation apartments and other accommodation establishments will also be allowed to reopen, subject to certain conditions. Also commercial excursions and city tours, walks and guided tours in the open air will also be permitted again, provided that hygiene rules are observed and a distance of at least1.5 meters is maintained.

There are of course still rather strict regulations in place. All of these above loosenings are subject to strict hygiene and clearance regulations. This also applies to restaurants that are already open. Tables have to be cleaned regularly, and guests have to wear masks when entering restaurants and on the way to the toilet.

See also: Preventing coronavirus infection in Berlin – frequently asked questions