“A dog drops its head and turns to us, its gaze both challenging and sullen. One can practically hear it snarl and pant. Its scruffy fur is half-lit by the sun, but its snout is in shadow. Could this creature have guessed that its black-and-white portrait would become an iconic photograph? Over the course of his sixty-year career, Daido Moriyama (b. 1938, Osaka) decisively altered how we view photographs. He used his camera to document his immediate surroundings and to visually explore post-war Japanese society. But he also questioned the very nature of photography itself. …”
Daido Moriyama Retrospective
Saturday 13. May 2023 — Thursday 7. September 2023

c/o Berlin
Amerika Haus
Hardenbergstraße 22–24
10623 Berlin
Amerika Haus
Hardenbergstraße 22–24
10623 Berlin
More exhibitions: March 2025 | April 2025 | May 2025