Profitopolis – or the Condition of the City

Thursday 23. May 2024 — Friday 28. February 2025
Profitopolis Museum der Dinge Berlin

With the exhibition “Profitopolis or the Condition of the City”, the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge promotes the city as a central topic. Historical and contemporary debates on climate, urban mobility, the question of historical building structures, as well as issues of housing and landownership are discussed and complemented by artistic statements and grassroots initiatives. Point of departure is an exhibition by the same name from the year 1971, developed in the context of the Deutscher Werkbund, which criticized speculation, the ruthless exploitation of nature, the orientation towards the automobile and inhumane large housing estates. …”

Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge
Leipziger Straße 54
D-10117 Berlin
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