Donating Clothes, Shoes, Books, DVDs etc.

There are several ways to get rid old, used or just unwanted clothes, books, movie dvds and the like –  donating clothes and other things is probably one of the most useful ways. In Berlin there is a number of different institutions that are taking donations – here is q short overview:


Oxfam is an international organization that takes old / used things as donations and sells them in their Oxfam shops. The money is then donated to different international charity programs. You can find a map of the projects here on the German website or check the English website of the head organization at Here is a list of the Berlin Oxfam shops:

Strassenfeger / mob e.V.

Also the homeless people’s organization mob e.V. (Strassenfeger) takes donations that are then given to people in need. You should probably first contact them and tell them, what you would like to donate:

motz & Co e.V.

Also ‘the other’ homeless people’s organization motz & Co e.V. takes used and useful things. Donations can also be picked up directly from your apartment – just get in contact and tell them, what you would like to donate: You can also visit the motz shop in Friedrichstraße 226 in Berlin Kreuzberg,


The Diakonie is an organization that is run by a group of different, mostly christian organizations. Here is a ma of all the places run by the Diakonie that may or may not be interested in taking your used stuff, clothes and shoes. Please ask first! This was you can be quite sure your things find their way to somebody in need.

…to be continued…

Do you have any additional recommendations, thoughts or suggestions about this subject? Then please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you!

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