Tag Archives: S-Bahn

Berlin S-Bahn on strike (again)

Update: blog entry about the currently ongoing S-Bahn strike (Novermber 2014) The german train drivers’ union (GDL) just decided: train drivers will be on strike over the weekend for about 50 hours. And since Berlin’s S-Bahn is part of Germany’s rail company Deutsche Bahn this means that also Berlin’s S-Bahn train drivers will be on […]

Happy New Year! Happy New Berlin!

You might have recognized it already: this blog has just once again made a dramatic domain move: from ticket2berlin.com –> back to nuBerlin.com – and I like it. Why? Well – to start from the beginning: first I thought “nuBerlin” was a too freaky domain to be recognized – too unprofessional – and ticket2berlin would […]

S-Bahn disrupt between Nordbahnhof and Anhalter Bahnhof

There’s just another big gap in the north-south connection: after work was completed and U6 is back in operation, now the S-Bahn is disrupted between Nordbahnhof and Anhalter Bahnhof. The construction work on the north-south connection will be split in two mayor phases: first from November 22nd until December 9th – and then again in […]

Cable theft costs Berlin S-Bahn Millions of Euros

If I got that right, media reports say that the Berlin S-Bahn – or actually its mother Deutsche Bahn AG lost over 17 Million Euro by cable theft – last year alone. 17 Million Euro of loss – through stolen cables? Wait a minute –  let’s try to understand what that actually could mean: 17 […]

Berlin S-Bahn services not back to normal before 2013

What is normal – and what’s not? Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel (www.tagesspiegel.de) today reports that the trains of Berlin’s popular public transport system ‘S-Bahn’ will not be back to normal operation for the next three to four years. So at least for the next three to four years the current ‘state of emergency’ will probably be […]

S-Bahn – city train strike

Starting this post I first have to mention some translation curiosities I stumbled upon: I first could not really believe that the English word for ‘Streik’ is ’strike’ – but that’s what my online dictionary suggested.. Well. Then I was wondering how I could translate the name of the German railway company – a word-by-word […]